Did you know that in the greater Elgin area, there are over 18,000 children under the age of five, with 34% living in low-income families? While 5,500 children qualify for free early care and education programs, only 32% can be served due to a shortage of available slots. This leaves thousands of children at risk of falling behind before they even reach kindergarten. You can help change this by investing in a comprehensive and equitable birth-to-five system for our community’s children. By supporting a child during their first 2,000 days—birth to kindergarten—you can make a lasting impact when 90% of brain development occurs.
EPEL supports families’ journeys so children are ready for school and life – because when they START AHEAD, they STAY AHEAD.
Join us on the journey of INFORMING, EQUIPPING, AND SUPPORTING our youngest learners on the Road to Readiness.
Help shape a child’s future by donating today so all children START AHEAD!
Consider making your donation a monthly investment in our youngest learners.
Donation Suggestions
Please choose from the following donation options to make an impact on our youngest children in the community.
*We are having temporary difficulties with PayPal donations that are made without a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, please use the Credit Card option to make your generous donation. Thank you!
$25 Provides 1 bilingual Brain Bag for a family (book included)
$50 Funds 2 hours of a bilingual Family Specialist to Inform, Equip, and Support families with needed readiness skills
$100 Purchases 15 bilingual books for children
$250 Provides 5 Electronic Books with videos of the Basics Principles for places where families wait
$500 Provides 100 Getting Ready for Kindergarten Family Engagement Guides
$1,000 Supports 1 Learning on the Go neighborhood site